Friday, November 28, 2014

Post Surgery Thyroid Removal Post-Op Recovery Days 4-10 - Cancer Free!

Day 9, post-op thyroidectomy, no bandage

To read my progress from Days 1-3, click here.

Yup, my scar looks like Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas. But I wanted to show people what their incision could look like 9 days after surgery, and that after all you've already been through - try and take everything you can with humor. If you missed the post on my recovery days 1-3, you can pick it up right here

I experienced no voice changes in my normal speech. But I can tell there's swelling in there because my laugh is a little difficult to reach. So, higher pitches are more difficult. I can't sing at all. I was never a great singer, but I could control a small range of my voice, and now I can control nothing. I sound like those tone-deaf people on American Idol. I'm sure that will change in time.

Here's how the rest of my 1st week post-op recovery went.

Day 4 post-op thyroidectomy, with steri-strips
Day 4: I slept on the couch to get a better angle for my neck. I needed to be able to tilt my head backward to a certain degree, and having a wall/window behind my pillows didn't allow for that. Once on the couch, I realized that I could also lie on my side fairly comfortably. I required one dose of Ibuprofen on day 4. I was still a bit tired sooner than usual. The incision swelling went down to about the swelling of day 1.

Day 5 post-op thyroidectomy, trimmed steri-strips,
and a really stupid expression on my face
Day 5: I went back to sleeping in my bed, knowing I could sleep on my side. I kept my steri-strips trimmed down, as they are supposed to loosen and fall off on their own. I was able to turn my head more comfortably, so I could resume driving again. I was feeling full of energy, and actually did some chores. I required no Ibuprofen.  The incision swelling was still at that of day 1. I didn't really take good photos of my progress. I wanted my friends to know I was healing well, and this is one I sent to my buddy while I was being goofy and called this "Fancy Steri Strips" so that's the expression. :)
NOTE: I had one glass of wine and found I was still kind of surgery-fragile and unable to "hold" my liquor, so to speak. I was really tipsy from just that one glass. Just a little warning to be careful with yourself. You might feel just fine, but you might actually be a little off your game.

Days 6 & 7: were unremarkable. Which is great! I had normal levels of energy. I slept ok, although, admittedly, the swelling of the incision felt tight and uncomfortable sometimes. I was able to drive and still needed no Ibuprofen. The incision swelling was still at that of day 1. 

I had my post-operative appointment with the surgeon and his partner, another doctor/surgeon, on day 6. They both saw me at the hospital and said I was doing great, and would not need to see them again. They also thought it was awesome that I was so pleasant. People haven't called me pleasant in years, so it should go on record that I was feeling really good at this point, if other people thought I was pleasant.

Day 8: The steri-strips began peeling off. The ones on the ends came off easiest. It was really stuck to the incision on the middle pieces, so I let them stay stuck for another day of showering and washing. Still good on energy, sleep, and needing no Ibuprofen. The incision swelling was still at that of day 1.
NOTE: I attempted a Lemon Drop (martini). I had a lot of food with it, and found that I was fine.

Day 9 post-op thyroidectomy, no more steri-strips!
Day 9: The steri-strips came off, and I was left with that lovely smirk on my neck. The "eyes" are bruises that, I assume, will fade in time. The incision is puffy and kind of sore to the touch. I found that my incision looks a little too red and WHOA! on first glance to people, so I chose to wear a light scarf. I used Palmer's Cocoa Butter on it, but I didn't really have a plan for incision care, so that was temporary. My energy was still good, didn't require Ibuprofen, am still able to sleep in most positions comfortably. The swelling and placement of the incision, though, still kind of make me feel like I'm being choked...gently. But, I realize I'm actually ok, so I try to choose a position that reduces that feeling.
NOTE: I had a couple of mixed drinks and just took it easy. My tolerance was just fine. My recovery is taking place during the Thanksgiving holidays and several birthdays. I don't usually drink this often, but I want other people to know what to expect. Some people do drink this often, and might like to know when they can resume their social drinking if they're not taking narcotics for pain relief.

Day 10 post-op thyroidectomy, no steri-strips
Day 10: Today is Day 10, and it's only just begun. I'm finding that my incision is still red, puffy, sore, and add mildly itchy to that now. I'm hoping that it's not somehow infected, so I'm going to take it easy today, cover it with triple-antibiotic ointment, and put a gauze pad over it so the ointment doesn't rub off so quickly. I'll do another update in a few days to let everyone know whether it became infected or if this is part of the healing process.

To read my progress from Days 11-26, click here.
To read my progress from 11 months post-op, click here.